Research Inventory
Research Inventory
The Inventory of Research Relating to Salmon Mortality in the Sea (the Inventory) was established in 2002. It lists research projects funded or approved by NASCO’s Parties / jurisdictions relating to salmon mortality in the sea. It is a tool that may be used in the development of research priorities for potential funding and in better co-ordinating existing research efforts. Projects in the Inventory are allocated to one of the following five topic areas:
- Long term monitoring: e.g. time-series of marine survival/growth estimates;
- Life history/biological processes: e.g. freshwater factors; pre-fishery-recruitment factors;
- Distribution/migration in the sea: e.g. post-smolt surveys; migratory behaviour;
- Development of methods: e.g. post-smolt survey methods; electronic tag technology; and
- Specific natural and anthropogenic factors: e.g. fish farms; predation; obstructions.
In 2024, the Board agreed five future research priorities, see ICR(24)01. At its 2024 Annual Meeting it agreed to include these new priorities in the Inventory. Column F ‘Priority research area’ has been added. For any new project reported in the Inventory, its relevance to the five research priorities (if any) should be noted.
Full Inventories, from 2002 to 2019 are shown below. Following a review in 2020, the Board agreed that ‘a single spreadsheet be posted so that users can more easily interrogate the Inventory,’ ICR(20)16.