Metadatabase of Salmon Survey Data and Sample Collections of Relevance to Mortality of Salmon at Sea
The Metadatabase is a list of datasets related to the marine phase of Atlantic salmon; these data are maintained and available from NASCO’s Contracting Parties. The Metadatabase does not contain raw data, rather it contains information on where databases and sample collections are held, together with details of the type of data or samples, and conditions governing their accessibility. The list is not comprehensive.
The Metadatabase was last updated in 2023. It is no longer being maintained.
The Metadatabase was established in 2011 when the Board recognised that recent international initiatives under the SALSEA Programme had generated some valuable datasets, including biological and genetic databases generated under the SALSEA-Merge project. At that time, the Board also noted the existence of historical tagging data compiled by ICES workshops supported by the Board as well as historical marine survey samples, such as those generated by the international sampling programme at West Greenland, going back more than fifty years. The Metadatabase was developed to increase awareness of the existence of these datasets among researchers and other interested parties.
In 2022, the Board agreed that the Metadatabase should not continue to be maintained. However, the Metadatabase webpage should remain on the Board’s website, with caveats related to when it was last updated, ICR(22)15.
The Metadatabase was updated for the final time in April 2023. The information available at that time about data and sample collections can be found in the excel spreadsheet linked below: