August 20, 2020 SAG(13)2 - Report of the Meeting of the Sub-Group on the Future Direction of Research on Marine Survival of Salmon
August 20, 2020 ICR(12)6 - Proposal to film at Greenland as part of the Castletown Productions Film Entitled ‘Atlantic Salmon Lost at Sea’
August 20, 2020 ICR(12)5 - Research proposals submitted to the International Atlantic Salmon Research Board, 2012
August 20, 2020 ICR(12)4 - Progress in Developing a Metadatabase of Salmon Survey Data and Sample Collections of Relevance to Mortality of Salmon at Sea
August 20, 2020 SAG(13)5 - Report of the Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Group of the International Atlantic Salmon Research Board
August 20, 2020 ICR(12)3 - Inventory of Research Relating to Salmon Mortality in the Sea (as at May 2012)
August 20, 2020 SAG(14)7 - Proposal to International Atlantic Salmon Research Board – Fish Telemetry Workshop for Practitioners