North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization | est 1984

ICES Advice Published

The ICES Advice to NASCO is now available: CNL(23)08 Additionally, the 2023 ICES Working Group on North Atlantic Salmon Report is now published on the ICES website. Photo: Pekka Tuuri

ICES advice to NASCO on North Atlantic salmon out

ICES provides advice to NASCO on wild North Atlantic salmon, annually under the NASCO-ICES Memorandum of Understanding. The advice for 2020 is now available on the ICES website: North America...

IYS Symposium Report Published Online

NASCO’s focal event of the International Year of the Salmon in 2019 in the North Atlantic was its Symposium ‘Managing the Atlantic Salmon in a Rapidly Changing Environment – Management...

Review of SALSEA-Track Programme and Inventory

The International Atlantic Salmon Research Board agreed that the Inventory of Research Relating to Salmon Mortality in the Sea and the SALSEA-Track Programme should be reviewed (ICR(19)09). A Working Group...